Blogs I read (and you should too)
This is not about my favorite books (although if you haven’t read Andy Weir’s “The Martian” stop right now and get a copy). This is about the blogs I make time to read even when my time is overcommitted. These must read blogs cover politics, science, atheism and often a combination of the three. In no particular order:
The Politics Blog by Charles P. Pierce. His incisive, biting, observations of the American political landscape are in a class of their own. I often wonder if he’s channeling Molly Ivans.
The Rude Pundit by Lee Papa is even more acerbic than “The Politics Blog” by CPP.
Freethought Blogs is a home for many talented freethinkers and atheists. Including
Pharyngula by P.Z. Myers who covers biology and atheism.
Dispatches from the Culture Wars by Ed Brayton covers religions impact on society and our criminal justice system.
XKCD is “A web comic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language”. If you like the TV show “The Big Bang Theory” you should be reading XKCD.
Science-Based Medicine focuses questionable medical practices; especially, but not limited to, quackery like homeopathy.