FRC action alert: Pamela Harris

Earlier this year I signed up under a non-de-plume for Family Research Council (FRC) alerts.

Today the FRC (Family Research Council) sent me an irony laden email outlining the frightening outcomes should Pamela Harris be confirmed by the Senate.

President Obama is on a mission to fill the nation’s highest courts with activist judges who will rubber stamp his liberal agenda.

Obama’s nominations are totally unlike his Republican predecessors in that regard according to the FRC. I’m sure that when Saint Ronnie nominated Antonin Scalia the idea that Scalia would rubber stamp the conservative agenda was the furthest thing from Ronnie’s mind. Although, to be fair, it’s not clear how much was actually on his mind other than his next milk and cookies and nap time.

His latest candidate is Georgetown Law professor and self-proclaimed “liberal” Pamela Harris.

Why the scare quotes around liberal? Is Ms. Harris a liberal in name only? Apparently dog whistles are so hard to hear extra punctuation is required to get the point across.

Frankly, that is sufficient for me to heartily urge my Senators to confirm her with all possible haste. Anyone who frightens the FRC gets my vote. Surprisingly this message only had one tiny donate link at the bottom. So apparently it won’t trigger the Christian apocalypse if Ms. Harris becomes a federal judge.