No gravity in space
Ray “Banana Man” Comfort stated that there is no gravity in space. He has subsequently apologized for such a bone-headed statement:
As Professor Myers points out in that tweet Ray is still wrong. From Ray’s Facebook post:
While there is invisible gravity in space (so much for “seeing is believing”), this massive earth hangs on nothing. It has no visible means of support — similar to the no means of support backing Darwinian evolution.
Gravity is no more invisible in space than it is on the surface of the Earth. Also, the assertion that “this massive earth hangs on nothing” is not even wrong. And, once again, he shows that he is incapable of recognizing evidence for, let alone understanding of, the theory of evolution.
If Ray Comfort was merely a delusional crank on a street corner shouting at people he would merit sympathy. But he’s a highly regarded Christian Apologist doing his best to turn back the clock four hundred years.