FRC says the “left” hates free speech

Yet another email from the Family Research Council pronouncing the end of America has arrived in my inbox. This one begins

I thought I’d seen it all.

that is a link to a page begging for a $50 donation (or more if you are so inclined). The page does not contain any useful information about the reason you should send them money. For that matter the original email contains statements like

It seems Democrats want “free speech” to consist only of government-authorized speech.

And “This is a naked power grab.” Which are both gross distortions of reality. What is involved is a, admittedly problematic, attempt to deal with the “Citizens United” Supreme Court case.

The FRC even mentions that the ACLU opposes the legislation. Yet nowhere in the email is there a single link to the bill, the ACLU’s position, or anything that actually sheds light on the situation. Instead there are eleven links to the same page begging for a $50, or more, donation. And, of course, they manage to play the persecution card by characterizing this bill as an attempt “to muzzle the Christian viewpoint”.

There’s a reason the FRC’s target audience are called low information voters. And this email is a prime example. For the record you can read about the bill at ThinkProgress and the ACLU’s position.