NPR refuses to say “torture” except when other than Americans do it

As reported by FAIR, Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting, the only time the word “torture” is acceptable is when a country other than the USA uses “harsh interrogation tactics”. I already knew this given that I have listened to NPR nearly every morning for the past ten years. But to see it documented so clearly made me retch. Sorry, NPR, but you’ll never get another donation from me.

I gave up on OPB several years ago when they started promoting hucksters like Deepak Chopra on a regular basis. Yet I still clung to the hope that NPR would, most of the time, provide straight news. Yes, I frequently gagged when I heard NPR give, without any critical questioning, someone from the American Enterprise Institute, Heritage Foundation, or other right-wing institution a few minutes to spout lies and nonsense. This latest revelation regarding their taking sides (i.e., the side of war criminals) while claiming to be impartial guarantees I will never give them another penny.

P.S., The ACLU talks about the CIA agents who raised concerns or refused to participate in what was clearly torture, not “enhanced interrogation”.