Greece just elected an atheist to lead them!

The people of Greece just elected someone who has a better grasp of economics than any American politician who is a member of the Republican party (not to mention almost every member of the Democratic party). Somewhat more surprising is that the new Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, is a forthright atheist. From The Economist:

GREECE’S new prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, made history within hours of his victory by informing the Archbishop of Athens, very politely, that clerical services would not be required for his swearing-in ceremony. An avowed atheist who has nonetheless made a point of dealing courteously with senior clergy, Mr Tsipras lost no time in making known that his oath of office would be a secular procedure. It was also explained that when the whole cabinet was sworn in, a more junior cleric (but not the archbishop) would be invited to assist those who wished to take a religious oath.

If Mr. Tsipras manages to force the economic pro-austerity hawks to piss-off (especially the German government) as well as lessen the hold of religion on his fellow citizens then Greece might become a highly desirable emigration destination.

Update: Please read Paul Krugman regarding the economic aspects of this election.