Rep. Louie Gohmert complains that only Christians can be abused

Rep. Louie Gohmert is quite likely the most ignorant, bigoted, just plain stupid representative in the American House of Representatives. Yet I’m still surprised when I hear him say something that lowers my opinion of him. Listen to the following where he claims that Christians are the only group in America that it is politically correct to abuse and misuse:


Mr. Gohmert, I have news for you. Atheists are on the receiving end of far more abuse than any religious group. Christians not only receive less abuse than atheists they’re downright privileged in American society. The fact that American society is starting to acknowledge that Christians should not be free to impose their religious dogma on everyone else in our society is not abuse or persecution of Christians. We, as a society composed of Christians and non-Christians, are simply recognizing that secular rules for living are better than religious rules.