Tony Perkins, FRC head, warns that American churches are being persecuted

Another day, another frightening email from Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council begging for money (sorry, asking for a “generous gift”) so they can do God’s work. Why God can’t handle this himself (for example, by smiting the guilty) isn’t explained. What do they need the money for? To fight the “rampaging persecution of the American Church!” Does the FRC mean that churches are being closed by the state? Are Christians being forced to disavow their religious beliefs? Are Christians being fed to lions? Nothing quite so dramatic.

The examples of persecution Mr. Perkins cites boil down to forcing businesses owned by Christians and religious charities which use public tax money to follow the same regulations that secular organizations must follow. Specifically, they can’t discriminate based on a person’s sexual orientation. In other words, the FRC is claiming that because Christians can’t persecute homosexuals it is actually Christians who are being persecuted. The mind boggles at the “thinking” on display by those poor, downtrodden, good hearted Christians.

P.S., One of the persecuted business owners is quoted as saying

“It would almost appear as if we have lost the battle for the culture as Christians. I would say that’s not true. I say that we can become relevant. I say that we can fight for our rights. I say that we should fight for our rights… we’re called to put on the full armor of God—and stand.”

What does the full armor of God look like? Is it shiny? Does it convey special powers like the ability to fart rainbows that smell like bananas?