Adam Miller, faith-healer, fraud, and all around scumbag IMHO

Check out this story about Adam Miller.

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Apparently Mr. Miller believes he is Jesus Christ. If he can prove he is capable of healing any of the illnesses or injuries he claims to be able to cure I’ll eat my hat and agree he should win his libel suit against Stephanie Guttormson. There has never been a documented case of faith healing. There have been a huge number of self proclaimed faith healers proven to be committing fraud. So I feel pretty comfortable stating that in my opinion Mr. Miller is a scumbag bilking money from desperate people.

Note too that as I write this his web site returns a page that only says “Site Unavailable” (not a HTTP 404 status). It seems he doesn’t care for the attention he’s getting. Fortunately Google has a cached version.

Update 2015-05-20: There has been a biblical flood of articles, YouTube videos, podcasts, etc. about the douchebaggery of Mr. Miller since I wrote my original post. For example, this [Salon article]( and [Ring of Fire]( blog post. Also, shortly after I posted this article the first time Mr. Miller’s web site was back online. As I write this it is once again inaccessible because the hostname “`“` doesn’t resolve to an IP address. And I wish that wasn’t true because I’d like to verify that he has the quack miranda warning on his website that his services are for “entertainment purposes only” as reported by others.