America’s finest beat and arrest another innocent black juvenile male for jaywalking

You’ve got to read this article at TruthDig and watch the video contained within it. Unless someone is creating a safety problem there is no justification for harassing someone for jaywalking. This incident reminds me of the arrest of 9th grade student Ahmed Mohamed for bringing a digital clock he created to school that I wrote about since it incensed me enough to send an email to the Irving, TX police department. I’m going to do the same thing about this incident. In fact, I’m going to suggest they implement an officer-exchange program so each department can learn from the other about how to behave without repercussion in ways that would get any non-officer of the law arrested (probably after being beaten).

I also observed two police officers hassling a black man sitting at a bus stop on my way home from the supermarket this afternoon. The man appeared to be clean, sober, and doing absolutely nothing that would warrant police interrogating him. I’ve got to say that even as a middle-aged white male I’m no longer willing to give the police the benefit of the doubt.